Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec varius molestie bibendum. Sed massa urna, consequat in sem a, cursus tristique nibh. Proin id laoreet magna. Maecenas tincidunt consequat est vitae posuere. Praesent eget laoreet diam, nec pharetra odio. Suspendisse sapien tellus, porttitor eu viverra ut, molestie quis arcu.

Start Experience
An interactive long-read experience by Jelle Krings. Duration approximately 20 minutes.
You have to fight for your dreams, for your freedom. And if you are lucky… your family supports you.
Put your headphones on for the best experience


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin volutpat nunc vel consectetur convallis. Etiam vitae aliquet metus. Aenean at gravida augue. Morbi at finibus dolor. Ut malesuada aliquam lacus nec dignissim. Phasellus a nulla enim. Etiam vulputate sed diam eget viverra.rnrnSed imperdiet lectus sapien, sit amet pharetra neque congue at. Curabitur in tellus nibh. Curabitur egestas nec nisi et fermentum. Nam felis mi, hendrerit sed dolor a, elementum vehicula est. Mauris venenatis efficitur ipsum at auctor. Suspendisse bibendum sit amet elit quis euismod. Integer vulputate in nisi in consectetur. Nam placerat tempor lobortis. Nullam auctor, est nec cursus interdum, magna felis tincidunt libero, ut dapibus nisl justo cursus urna. Cras at commodo purus, eget rutrum tellus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.rnrnNullam nisl metus, aliquam ac nisi a, aliquam malesuada ex. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis ac metus at metus.

04The Amini’s

FLTR up: Tawhid Amini, Idris Amini, Mohammad Osman Amini, Hadis Amini. FLTR down: Mah Khanum Amini, Hoodad Amini, Makai Amini, Safiullah Amini, Tayeba Amini.rnrnWhen Safiullah’s nephew in Afghanistan converted to Christianity, it put a target on his back. Under certain versions of Sharia law, a ‘Murtad’ may be killed by anyone who finds him. The Amini’s helped their nephew escape this horrible faith and handed him over to the Afghan government. The case gained national attention on TV and the government was pressured by  religious leaders to execute him. With the help of the British and American forces, the boy was brought to safety, but it became known that the Amini’s had helped him escape. Because they had helped him, they were now seen as ‘Murtads’ themselves and became persecuted by religious leaders (Mullahs) and the Taliban. One of Saifullah’s brothers was killed, and the family fled to another village. But the Taliban found them again and managed to kill another brother. The family received death threats saying: “If we find you, we will kill you and if we find your children, we will take them away from you”. Saifullah sold his house, land and carpet shop and they left for Europe.


Abdol Azimi is suffering from parkinson, dementia and post-traumatic stress disorder from when the Taliban entered his home and attacked the women and children in his family. Terrible things happened that night the family wants to keep private. Abdol was already sick, but that night, his condition got worse. Now, he spends his days lying in his bed shaking uncontrollably and babbling about the distant past. He cannot walk. His two sons, Saeid and Meysam carried him on their backs for most of the journey from Afghanistan to Greece. At the border between Iran and Turkey they walked for 10 days through the jungle with little water and almost no food, but they were caught by Iranian border officials. Saeid’s aunt was shot and killed. The whole family was arrested and deported back to Afghanistan after paying off the border officials. They went back to Afghanistan with nothing. All their possessions were sold in order to make the trip to Europe the first time. When they got back, their village was controlled by the Taliban. Saeid talks about a system of ‘Zakat’, under which valuables are confiscated as a form of taxation. ‘This even applies to your daughter’, Saeid says. A choice is  given: deliver your daughter or pay the dowry that would normally be payable upon marriage. Anyone that refused would be killed. One night the Taliban invaded their home. They decided that they had no choice. After a year in Afghanistan they had to try to leave again.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris vel pharetra purus, tristique tincidunt nunc. Phasellus id risus sit amet.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dui diam, lacinia eget velit faucibus, blandit viverra nibh. In in ipsum sit amet nulla egestas tempor. In at molestie metus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur convallis elementum augue ut cursus. Proin porta nec leo et molestie. Quisque ut neque in leo hendrerit pretium.rnrnMorbi ac scelerisque lacus. Morbi vitae leo fringilla, posuere leo ut, tincidunt tortor. Fusce ullamcorper arcu at maximus cursus. Mauris at lobortis justo. Praesent vel tortor scelerisque, egestas nibh vel, sollicitudin ante. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis id lobortis nulla, sed blandit lectus.rnrnNullam condimentum vitae orci semper volutpat. Duis egestas, nunc et vulputate lacinia, mi mauris iaculis lectus, sagittis consequat sem ipsum eget leo. Phasellus convallis tellus sit amet iaculis laoreet. Morbi eget metus tincidunt, rutrum turpis id, ultrices arcu. Aliquam diam nisl, luctus vel facilisis sit amet, hendrerit ut ex. Integer eget semper felis. Vestibulum in euismod ipsum. Nullam vel urna sed magna maximus auctor pretium condimentum purus. Vivamus dignissim dictum mollis. Nullam a sem id metus pellentesque aliquam sit amet in neque. Nunc volutpat velit sit amet mollis.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dui diam, lacinia eget velit faucibus, blandit viverra nibh.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dui diam, lacinia eget velit faucibus, blandit viverra nibh.

Humans The Amini's Abdol Consequence